I guess in some instances algae would be exciting. I mean, who doesn't love looking at plants....ok, I don't. I admit it. As much as I love marine biology, I really don't love marine algae. It's got nothing to do with the algae. Really, it's not you, it's me. Sounds like a bad break-up. I'm up late tonight working on a poster for algae as well as studying for our final on Tuesday, and I can't help thinking that there are so many other things that warrent staying up late. Algae just doesn't jump right to the top of that list. So what do I do when I'm bored? Random photoshoot. That's right, it happened during the fall with oceanography, and it's happening now with algae! So there's a picture of me, taken by my little macbook and posted for all of you to see. Maybe enjoy? I don't know. Right now all I know is that I could care less about herbivory patterns of Littorina on bleached vs. unbleached Mazzaella species. Yeah, my life is so exciting...
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