Saturday, March 05, 2011

A list of the little things

For me, it's all about the little things. Here's a small list of things that made me really happy today.

1. New book smell.
I bought some new books using a gift certificate and I have to admit that there's nothing that compares to the first time that I open to a middle page and put it up to my nose to take a deep breath. I love the way books smell. I love their heft, the way they feel so tangible in my hands. I'm intrigued by the new reading devices, but for me nothing will replace the crackle of spine glue and the thrill of actual page turning.

2. The first warm days of spring.
Living in California we get those odd days during the winter that are warmer than others, but there's something about the herald days where you can tell that spring is on the way. It's a new touch in the air (you can tell I'm all about how my world feels) and it's a sense in the air like you're walking through a cloud. The warmth actually surrounds and encompasses you instead of just being a factor in the sunny weather.

3. Air guitar/drums/record scratching
Maybe it's my inner rockstar/dj that has me so in love with the imaginary instruments but it's just plain fun to pretend like you're rocking out. Or in our case, for real rocking out. This activity usually leads to some pretty awesome dance parties and I am always a fan of those.

4. Cardigans
Maybe it was the excitement of the first warm day but I could trade in my winter coat for a cardigan. I love that. Cardigans make me feel smart for no apparent reason, especially when paired with my glasses and a scarf. At that point I might as well sign of to read on "This American Life" and hang out with NPR roadies.

5. Blasting Gogol Bordello on the lab stereo
It's Saturday shift and we pretty much do whatever we want. Including commandeering the stereo for once and banishing soft rock at least for a day. If I hear 'On the Wings of Love' one more time someone is going to pay.

Like I said, it's all about the little things in my life.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Not a Food Blog- blog

I love food. I love food probably more than the average person. I love eating food, cooking food, shopping for food, playing with food, reading about food, all of the above! But, I am slightly perplexed regarding food. Not that food itself is the confounding element, but rather it's what I like to call the "sexification" of food in (dramatic music), food blogs.

Apparently in the last ten years food got really trendy. I think it has something to do with the surge in the green movement, but instead of living in a culture where food is demonized as the cause of all our health problems, we are bombarded with messages of how cool food is. And now that food is really sexy, everyone wants a piece of the pie, so to speak, with the easiest method of indulgence being the now ubiquitous food blog.

Now I'll drink the kool-aid any day and say that I love a good food blog, especially when I'm feeling extra creative (or not) in the kitchen. Many times a quality food blog will have thesaurus whomping adjectives and pictures that kick your salivary glands into high gear, but then there's the food blogs that are just, well, lacking. I freely admit that much of my skepticism and critical attitude towards food blogs comes from the fact that I hate the term "foodie" but that's a completely different topic.

What irks me the most about the cornucopia of food blogs is that it seems like everyone has a food blog these days. Just because you can list off several types of ethnic cuisine and consider yourself to be a gourmand doesn't mean you can write about food. Food is incredibly hard to write about. I know a guy is incredibly intelligent and articulate, who has just graduated with an MBA, and has a food blog about taco trucks. This was probably the last person I ever have pinned for this, yet there it was staring out at me from my computer screen. Unbelievable.

Think about the best meal you've personally ever eaten and all the emotions that came with that moment. In reality, it just sits there on a plate and it's difficult to convey with words exactly what a good meal is doing to you. If you've ever watched one of those shows where someone is describing their favorite meal, their descriptions are almost always accompanied by footage of the describer closing their eyes and scrunching their face while simultaneously rubbing their fingers with their thumbs. That expression and action is the epitome of what you are trying to bring across in food writing.

While many food blogs are honestly trying, they just can't quite get there. I don't knock people for having a passion for eating well or loving their food to the point of obsession, but can we cool it with the food blogs?

That is at least until I figure out what the deal with pomegranate is...Seriously.

Parting Words Of Wisdom

"The fear of rejection really kind of stunts your growth as a person. I mean, it's like a friend of mine says, who cares if you fail? Who cares if you fail? It's like babies try to get up and walk all the time and they keep falling down. If we just gave up, we'd all be crawling around." — John Rzeznik
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