It's no secret that the Giants are fighting for a spot in the playoffs and I'll admit that I'm recent to join the throngs, but I've come to the conclusion that if there's any team that a nerd like myself should be cheering for it's the Giants. Here's a few reasons why.
1. Tim Lincecum is a freaky dude

Everyone knows he has two Cy Youngs, he also has a dog named Cy, long hair, and apparently a freaky pitch style (though I couldn't tell the difference), but lets get down to it, this pitcher more reminds me of the guy in the back of class etching crazy drawings into the desk rather than hucking scorching fastballs. I mean, the long hair, the cooky smile, the overall gangliness. I'll admit there's a bit of a nerd crush there but it doesn't change the fact that he's got a lot going for him in regards to being an awesome pitcher. Everyone loves the unexpectedly talented freaky looking nerds.
2. "What's it to ya??"- The 'curse' of the nerdy name
It's like the Johnny Cash song laments, life ain't easy for a boy named Sue, but in this case, life may not be easy for a boy named Aubrey. Or Buster. So here's another reason to be a fan of the Giants or to be fearing for your life if you happen to be on the opposing team. It's probably safe to assume that somewhere in their childhood both Aubrey Huff and Buster Posey decided that they weren't going to let unusual names keep them down. What better way to make your mark on the playground or silence your bullies than to become really, really good at something. And in their case it was baseball. Buster being probably (at least what they say) the best rookie this year and Aubrey looks like a bull waiting to be let loose. No seriously, I once saw him punching another player from sheer happiness after a play.
3. Panda Hats are Freaking Awesome

Third baseman, Pablo Sandoval is nicknamed "The Panda", and some genius decided that it would be awesome to sell panda hats at the games. When I say genius, I genuinely mean genius. These panda hats are hillarious, especially when seen gracing the domes of everyone from tiny tots to big, burly, manly men. No one looks bad in the panda hat. No one.
1 comment:
Must be a scientist thing... I've got the same background on my blog.
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