One thing I'm not used to in the winter, blue skies. And not just a day here and there of clarity up above, but really truly extended periods of time where the sun is shining all day. This weekend it was reported that a rain storm would descend on the region, however, it failed to appear. Or maybe they just have funny looking rain here in LA. But it's not the lack of substantial weather that's getting to me these days, it's more like the winds that pummel the island at night. My house has insulation, or so they tell me, which I think means that there's a thing layer of something between the walls. What the something is I don't know. But it's not really making a huge difference. I'm freezing. Which is not fun.
Well I'll be home in a little over a week. I don't know how obvious it is, but I'm very excited to go home. I've been living here for almost six months, which is a long time to be away. I miss my home state and family dearly. I don't need to say how much because I think you guys know by now. There's some things that have made me realize just how deeply ingrained in me being an Oregonian is. I come from some pretty provincial people so it's not that surprising when I stop and assess.
Eventually the feeling of homesickness will pass the longer I live here, but it's hard these days especially, I don't know why in particular, it just is.
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