The first weekend in October marks a special occasion out here at the Isthmus. Every year on that chosen weekend is an event called Buccaneer Days, and while it's origins may be shrouded in mystery (oh the mystery!) it's real purpose is simple. Dress up as a pirate and drink. Simple enough. But oh the results are so so much scarier than I could have ever imagined.
Ok so maybe scary is the wrong word to use here, but it really was "sin and debauchery" as John Meyers kept saying before we left the EB dock. The whole point of the weekend is to dress up like a pirate and get smashed. I did my best to dress up, but it didn't really work out so well considering that I don't have a wealth of piratey stuff at my immediate disposal, so I settled for being one of those people who only have assed put together a costume.

Big highlight of the evening, my friends Jenn and Josh from PISCO who are now working down island at Fox Landing for CIMI came up to the I for the festivities and we ran into each other. When Jenn saw me she ran full steam at me and jumped into my arms. I almost fell down but managed to stay up. And then we were both crying and hugging and laughing and it was amazing. I missed her so much!! And it was great to see Josh too after so long.

It was great to hang out with people too. At the end of the night I managed to not be out of control which I considered to be a very big accomplishment considering the amount of alcohol that was flowing around the Isthmus. Brad and I headed back to the Manta, the sea scout ship that he's a part of, where I was going to spend the night.

The Manta is a really incredible boat. I don't have many pictures of it because well I'm lazy like that but there will be plenty of opportunities to snap photos. We stayed up for awhile hanging out and laying on bench cusions on the deck looking at stars and enjoying the night. I really couldn't stop smiling (as was noted several times by Brad) and who can blame me? I get to live on this island and then I get to hang out on awesome boats and go to odd festivals that have no real purpose. Life is very good right now I do admit.
And just in closing, here's a few pictures of the morning on the Manta.

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