I've now been on the island for over a week and I must say that I'm having a fantastic time. During the week I teach an oceanography merit badge class to three periods of students, this week our grand total of students exceeds 50 kids in one class. Last week we had 75 during one period. Major pain. But despite the challenges of the getting the attention of 75 middle school age boys I'm still having a blast teaching and all that good stuff. The only thing is that we spend a majority of our time inside. I wish that there was a way that I could get these kids out and about since we have such a great resource at our fingertips. That's something I'm going to be working on in the next couple of weeks.
I finally moved into my house out here and it's so cute! I'm living with a couple of guys right now and they're super cool which makes the transition really easy. My room is kind of seperate from the rest of the house and I have my own bathroom so that makes it extra nice. I'm finally getting the last of my stuff packed away and out of the boxes that it was shipped down here in. When the clerk saw how many packages I had one day he said, "Esther, are you shipping your entire life down here or what??" He didn't know that I'm moving out here. But that's ok.
The weather has been great. Hotter than I'm used to in Oregon but that's ok. The nights are really cool though so it makes sleeping really easy. I asked one of the directors the other day what they do out here when it rains during the summer and he said that it doesn't rain during the summer. That really they only have 3 months of rain during the year.........it was shocking. I mean, I wasn't expecting that. Every morning I wake up and think that the early morning sky is going to drizzle a little bit on us. I thought I'd never say this, but I could do with a good summer shower. Getting a bit dusty. I miss that fresh rain smell too. Such a beautiful smell....
To close this blog I thought I would leave you all with a photo of me working. Yes, diving is a huge part of my job and I'm lucky enough to be able to do it here in the kelp forests which are so amazing. Just look up some pictures online and you'll see for yourself. Plus, I have the coolest job in the world if it means that I get to dive almost everyday.

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