In Writing this week we workshopped a story that was about a devoutlty religious mother who has to come to terms with the fact that her teenage daughter is now pregnant out of wedlock. A grievous offense in the mother's eyes. Now really I promise that I have no problem with stories that are about crisis in religion on the personal level, nor do I have problems with religion in general. But really this woman's story almost pushed me over the edge.
First off she wrote it in third person and the tone of the entire story was very put upon and there was definitely more of the author in the story than should have been. She assured us that she wasn't modeling the mother off of herself, but it's been pretty obvious over the last few weeks how this woman feels about people who aren't Christian and don't lead the "exemplary" Christian existance. But then is there anyone that really does?
On campus' there is a group called Campus Crusade for Christ, and while I'm sure that they do wonderful things, the fact that it's got the word "crusade" in it makes me a little nervous. I always think that if I were to meet up with them in the quad I'd be assaulted with Bible's and urged to convert by rock music and other catchy ministry tools. A little frightening for someone going through what some would call a search for faith. I have faith, but which faith that is is debatable. I guess it's my very own.
Which is why I don't really care to much for groups that are very in your face about their faith. I don't like the idea that there is so much emphasis on the after life and what's going to happen when we die. I would like to think that my soul is going to be taken care of, besides what do any of us really know what happens after we die.
But why don't we struggle to make the world a better place? Why not work to have heaven on earth instead of relying that we will get our dues in the end. Let's fix things now instead of focusing on what's going to happen when we die.